Monday, February 23, 2009

Parenting Magazines; Ground Beef; Sleep

I read articles in these parenting magazines, and am constantly amazed at how easily some people can be offended. I was telling Michael the other night, I don't understand why moms writing in to these magazines seem to be so offended or irritated by unsolicited advice. I can sort of see it, but here's how I feel about advice. If I think it's good advice, I'll take it. If I think it's bad advice, I'll ignore it. I appreciate it when other people take an interest in my children.

There are certain advantages to being a T on the Meyers Briggs preference evaluation.

On another note, I spent way too much money on ground beef at Sam's Club on Saturday, when, if I watch the sales flyers it is quite possible to get ground beef for just under $2.00 per pound. The problem is, I spent to much, thought I needed it when I really didn't (it was on my grocery list, but probably shouldn't have been), and now I don't want to break it up into freezer bags to freeze. It's more difficult than usual to find the time at this particular moment in my children's development.

The house is a mess too, but I have to remind myself that playing games with Parker is more important than house work, even though the housework is necessary to my own sanity. When Isaac's night time sleep patterns become more consistent this will be less of a problem.

Saturday night he slept eight hours straight. I still only got six and a half contiguous hours in, but it was still a huge improvement. Unfotunately last night I hardly slept at all, besides which Isaac did not repeat Saturday night's performance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the sleep deprivation. That stinks. But since you know he can do, maybe you can encourage it now. There's my advice. Take it or leave it, I don't care. :)