Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm so sleepy

Last night I paid for Isaac's sleepiness. I was up with him from 1:25 'till around 4:00 a.m. because he didn't want to go back to sleep. I read that babies start developing their day/night awareness around 6 weeks. Correcting for Isaac's early birth date, that should be happening now--at 8 weeks. I've maintained day and night contrast almost from the beginning, leaving the room dark when I get up with him at night. Fortunately Michael was able to stay home with me for a time this morning so I could get in some extra sleep.

I know I'm fortunate that his wakefulness doesn't bring fussiness with it, but this is still a struggle for me.

In other news, yesterday for lunch my mom took me to Arahova. Their Hummus was delicious and we confirmed that we love stuffed grape leaves. This makes me want to learn to cook Greek. I found a website last night that looks useful:

I wonder if we could find a good cookbook, something not too complicated, and together (me and my mom, and possibly Anna Grace) and try a new Greek recipe once a month. That may be wishful thinking, at least until Isaac starts being able to sit up by himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo, fun! I wish I could have gone with you!