I wonder if this means he'll always be a good napper.
At Isaac's checkup yesterday I asked Dr. Brown whether he was old enough now for me to let him sleep when he is sleeping and not wake him up every three hours to nurse. The hand out she gave me said that babies his age typically nurse every three to four hours. Dr. Brown said that as a breast fed baby he typically wouldn't go more than three hours between feedings, and that I shouldn't let him go more than four during the day, while letting sleep as long as he chose at night.
I can't find my copy of Babywise to see what they recommend.
This morning I fed Isaac at 9:50 and then let him sleep since he hadn't gotten much of a nap during the previous between feeding period. At 1:30 the child is still (sweetly) asleep.
He made a little noise around the time I took Parker in to get ready for his nap. Isaac's eyes opened, but he went right back to sleep.
Oh, I hear him. Maybe he's waking up! I hope he'll give me a little bit of time to get dinner started this afternoon.
1 comment:
Sweet baby!
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