The other night we made a mistake. For some reason Parker's humidifier was adjusted to allow a full stream of steam. This filled his room with moisture, which I didn't discover until the next morning. My nursing chair got pretty damp, as did some of Parker's covers, and possibly his stuffed animals. The wood floor in his room was also damp to the touch.
So now Parker's room smells funny. I sprayed the chair down with Febreeze, and I would open the windows except those in his room are either painted shut, or too difficult for me to open on my own. I know that a few of Parker's stuffed animals are not supposed to be submerged in water, but I don't necessarily know which of them these are.
What should I do to make Parker's room smell better?
run a fan? the best would be to run a DEhumidifier, but who has one of those?
We actually have a dehumidifier downstairs, but seems like it broke. Wes tried to fix it but I can't remember if he fixed it or not. We have to run it in the summer because the basement sweats and things will mold if we don't run it. I'll try to remember to ask if it is working. If it is, you are more than welcome to borrow it.
One idea for Parker's stuffed animals would be to put them in the dryer with some scented dryer sheets. You can also wash stuffed animals in the washing machine if you put them in a pillow case. We've had good luck with this.
Light the candle everything's all right.
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