Monday, February 25, 2008

Reviewing What I Wrote While Under the Influence of the Last Bottle of Wine I'll Probably Buy for a While

It is now 4:30 in the morning and I am reading all this over again because I can't go back to sleep. I notice I got a little melodramatic there near the end. These are not high and lofty things. These are every day, work day truths.

When I encounter individuals moving through my world, they become members of my life. These individuals impact me for good or for ill--rarely do I come across anyone whose effect is purely neutral--and of course the same is true of the effect I have on them. It's like the interaction between me and the plants I do or do not water. When I give them water, they have the opportunity to grow. When I do not give them water, in most cases I not only deny them the opportunity to grow, but I actually deny them the opportunity to go on living in good health.

I'm mentally floating around an idea here that is very difficult clearly to describe. The impact individuals in my life have on me is subtle--sometimes it is purely internal, and can easily go unnoticed by anyone but God. They adjust my attitudes in simple ways, they widen my awareness.

What all of this should lead me to is the knowledge that I must bathe my every day, moment, action and interaction in prayer and in scripture. It would be so nice if I could figure out exactly what this would look like. Prayer is an activity I probably misunderstand, misuse, and too often neglect.

Let's see what other kind of intellectual morass I can get myself into at 4:45 in the morning.


Tina said...

Great and deep thoughts. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

Jim said...

You sound like a poem that was given to me several years ago. I don't have the correct formatting for it, but here is the text:

Bits and Pieces

Bits and pieces, bits and pieces. People. People important to you, People unimportant to you cross your life, touch it with love and move on. There are people who leave you and you breathe a sigh of relief and wonder why you ever came into contact with them. There are people who leave you, and you breathe a sigh of remorse and wonder why they had to go and leave such a gaping hole. Children leave parents, friends leave friends. Acquaintances move on. People change homes. People grow apart. Enemies hate and move on. Friends love and move on. You think of the many people who have moved in and out of your hazy memory. You look at those present and wonder. I believe in god's master plan in lives. He moves people in and out of each other's lives, and each leaves his mark on the other. You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all who have ever touched your life. You are more because of them, and would be less if they had not touched you. Pray that you accept the bits and pieces in humility and wonder, and never question and never regret's. Bit's and pieces, bits and pieces.