Sunday, February 24, 2008

How Much Does It Mean to Know That Others Care?

A woman of my acquaintance asked me how I was this morning. She was in fact interested in knowing whether or not I had recovered from my illness of the week before. I cannot tell you how nice it was to know that someone in the world, other than my family, was interested in my recovery from sickness. This meant the world to me and I realized what a difference it makes when you let others know when you are ill. One friend brought me food; another asked me how I was--both events made me feel as though I were loved. While I have been loved before, I must admit that this form of community is a new experience for me. A dear friend once brought me a snack while I labored under an undergraduate deadline; I begin to understand what that variety of care feels like once again.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I'm VERY thankful to hear that you are feeling loved through the actions of others. You are indeed loved and are very special and I'm thankful that you are feeling that truth.