Monday, February 4, 2008

Cathartic blogging

Yesterday I posted on how frustrated I was with our local public library. Doing so met and exceeded my expectations and I'll tell you why:

Because all afternoon I steamed over the fine I was made to pay. Hours later I was still heated up over it, but then I wrote yesterday's post. Having put my frustration down in writing, all of a sudden it didn't seem like such a big deal any more. As a matter of fact, as I mentioned, by the end of the evening I was fairly reconciled.

Now, you might argue that, this good work having been done, I might then delete the post from my blog, but I won't do that--because that post reveals something about me that you might otherwise miss. Sometimes I get frustrated, and frustration leads to evil thoughts, as well as decisions that are not entirely rational. This has to do with our humanity, and is a characteristic I would say all humans have in common.

I hope that I will never choose to publicly and irresponsibly complain against any individual on this blog, but institutions seem to me fair game.


Anonymous said...

shelly said....
Now that you have worked through that I will complete the healing by telling you that my last late charge there was 30 doolllaarrss.....yes, I too was fuming mad, although I was quite composed..... after waiting 6 months to return to the library, who wouldn't be quite composed? That would have been a nice meal, or several articles of clothing at the consignment store or.... i can't go there.

Jim said...

Periodically, the library will have a "Fine Amnesty Week," where some corporation will agree to pay all fines for stuff brought back during that week. If you have a big fine, and can stand staying away from the library for long periods, then waiting for Fine Amnesty Week would be the thing to do.