I promised you the rest of the story today, but find that I'm not in the mood. Does lack of sleep always lead to apathy?
Several questions came to me in the night that I was going to pose, but I don't even remember what they were. Oh, yes, I just remembered one of them:
At what age did you let your children climb on the playground equipment and go down the slide entirely on their own? Did you let them start small and work their way up? How did they get the training they needed to do such an independent thing?
It was a gradual thing for me. Most of my kiddos started out at the toddler playground at Snow Hinton Park. I would let them do it on their own but was right behind them with my hand in case they lost their footing. I think each child is different. Cohen mastered everything much quicker than the girls did, but he is a great climber around the house. He really didn't do the toddler playground, he started off on the big stuff!!!!
I don't care. ;-)
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