Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sara Jessica Parker, she used to be everywhere

I threatened my husband last night. I said, "Next time someone asks, I'll tell them we named our son after Sara Jessica Parker, just to see what kind of reaction I get. Would that embarass you?"

He paused, with Ms. Parker of The Pretender in mind, as played by the actress Andrea Parker. "We named him after the character, not the actress." He then stopped himself as he realized to whom I was referring. I don't know what expression came over his face at this point, nor do I know what he actually said (because I was driving at the time), but it ended with, "NOOOOOooooo! That would more than embarass me."

I had gotten my reaction.

The truth is that Parker is named after Charlie Parker, also known as "Bird," or "Yard Bird," the great bebop saxophonist who Michael enjoys so much. I think that Parker likes him too, although those are not the CDs he pulls from the shelves when let loose inside our bedroom. Poor little one can't read, you know, and all those musicians probably look alike to him besides.

We did NOT name our son after a fictional character. However, Ms. Parker is possibly my favorite female character in all of fiction. She is very tough, very mean, and absolutely gorgeous. Michael is obviously glad that I am not more like her.


Jim said...

I am responding to your statement, "She is very tough, very mean, and absolutely gorgeous. Michael is obviously glad that I am not more like her." Many times, Michael has told me how grateful he is that you fight fair. In other words, he says that when the two of you disagree, that you do not take cheap shots at him. Good for you.

Charleston James said...

It's also very good for me! And it also makes the world a better place.

Jim said...

Funny you should say, "It makes the world a better place." I agree. As you might imagine, I am pretty sour on the institution of marriage right now. Hearing you speak of Kelly that way, and realizing that you wouldn't say it unless it were true, takes some of the sourness away.