Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Photo taken in Sunset Mode

Parker and Anna Grace and I had a good time out on the quad yesterday afternoon. Parker enjoyed getting to run around in the grass and mud, and he was very interested in the squirrels. I took a bunch of pictures (and a video of him eating a banana), but a lot of them are blurry because I didn't have a tripod to use with the camara's sunset mode.


kf.ruhamah said...

This looks like an easter picture to me for some reason.

Tina said...

Adorable picture.

Jim said...

What?!?! You mean we can think about Easter when there are dead leaves on the ground, nothing green in the trees, and no flowers blooming? Shocking! (And, impressive)

Anonymous said...

I was so tired after that. We should have taken a picture of the yellow tree....

kf.ruhamah said...

Pretend that the dead leaves on the ground are flowers and there you go.