Friday, November 9, 2007

Still Sick

If you've missed me part of this week it's because I have a really bad cold. I've had to have extra help the last couple of days to take care of the boy. The good news is I now know he doesn't mind going off to the grocery store without me. His Granna took him for a little while yesterday and he didn't cry at all. That's a great relief.

Parker has had the run of the house since Wednesday. He's gotten into all kinds of stuff. Coins, Cds, blinds on the windows, the DVD player, and of course papers, papers, papers. Luckily I got him away from the coins before he could decide to eat any of them, and now they have been placed out of his reach. The blinds I can retract, and hang the pulls above his head. The bathroom is a little more difficult to control. He knows how to turn the water on in the tub, but the hot water is the only one he can reach. This is an area for constant vigilance. We usually keep the door to the bathroom shut. This is more difficult now that the weather is so cold, because the wood has shrunk. The next attempt will probably involve a gate.


Jamey said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. Bummer. We all have some of that, too, except Craig, who must have a superior immune system.

I wanted to tell you something that happened to us with the tub recently. I don't think Parker could duplicate this yet, because he may not be tall enough, but it's worth watching out for.

Annie was in the tub, and Charlie toddled over. He reached in to grab a tub toy, and fell in headlong. Praise God I was on my knees washing Annie and was able to catch him before he cracked his head on the tub or even touched the water. I literally caught him while his feet were flung high up in the air. Scary.

I don't know if angels could have had something to do with protecting him, because I have very slow physical reflexes to things like that. Usually, I can do no more than watch as a child falls off a chair, etc., but Craig can catch them midair. Anyway, lesson learned for me about vigilance.

Tina said...

Sorry to hear about your cold. :0( I pray that you will feel better ASAP!

We believe in lots of gates around here. I like to tell people that we live in a gated community. :0)