I've been doing a lot of different things lately, so the blog has been getting away from me. Yesterday morning I realized that I've been getting confused about what a blog, or more particularly my blog, is for. I get on here and think I have to produce something finished that is likely to interest you, and it causes me to block.
The more I write, the more I realize that what I'm really interested in is process. I'm interested in knowing how people work, and how they generate ideas. I'm interested in observing how I work. It's something I've been engaged in for a long time.
Process work is valuable, even if it isn't popular. One of the things I'd like to do with my own process work is provide an example of a process that others can follow, that is if it works for them. This isn't to say that my way is the only way, or that it is the best way for you. I'm too-too aware that my process will be different from yours. My ways of thinking are mine. But if I give you picture of a way of working you can use, then use it. Don't think that you have to work the same way I do.
I am a studier, so a lot of the process you will see here is a process of studying and a generating of ideas. I expect you'll see a lot if incidental or miscellaneous writing, because another purpose I have for this blog is simply to get me writing more. For some reason I find that I am unlikely to write at all if I don't have some purpose for writing, even if that purpose is merely to get something posted to the blog. I'll do some writing from time to time about my children, about household matters, about spiritual stuff. Sometimes I'll try a bit of creative writing. Sometimes you'll get a list or simply a recounting of how my day went. I'll write about television, about music, about books--a lot about books--whatever. I have to face the fact that this is a personal blog, and I have to recognize and embrace what that means. I want your interaction, and I hope I will write about things that interest you, but if this blog is to do what I need it to I won't be able to get caught up in generating readership, or even income.
I think what you'll get now is more of me. I expect I'll start writing with more authority, right or wrong. You know that it is okay to be wrong about things, don't you? When we spend so much time worrying about being right, we miss out on so many opportunities to learn, and I don't want to miss those opportunities.
If things go as I expect them to, I'll probably start generating too much content for anyone to actually read. If I do, there is always the chance that I will lose you as a reader. That isn't what I want. I welcome readers. On the other hand, there's always a chance that I'll start writing what I am meant to, and you may find that you enjoy the content more, even if there is too much of it.
It's an experiment. It's all an experiment and it is always an experiment. I wouldn't claim that God is experimenting on us. He doesn't have to guess; He knows. But there also is a sense in which our entire experience on this planet is an experiment.
So let it begin.
Here's something you can expect. Next week I'll start posting my notes, usually written in narrative form, on this writing/study project I am doing for the sake of my academic transcript. Since it will be narrative, I expect it to be accessible. If it bores you to tears, I'm sorry. But I don't expect it will.
I've also been doing this Sunday School class lately on how to study the Bible, with the purpose of preparing to teach. This week I've been studying Mark 4: 35-5:42 at my brother-in-law's behest, so I plan to start publishing some of that process work as well.
And yes, I do eventually plan to start publishing some writing about my favorite time-lord, Doctor Who, so you can look forward to that too.
It's true I have some anxiety about putting so much of myself out there. It's a risk I'll have to take. I'll use discretion of course. I don't plan to publish anything that isn't suitable for public consumption. I am fully aware that anyone can read this. There is always a risk in putting your thoughts, your words, your ideas, out there. Check back on Monday, and we'll see what happens.