Monday, October 4, 2010

The Long Goodbye...No more room in my life for new shows

I know this sounds funny, because I really do enjoy television, but I'd be glad if several of the television shows I've been watching over the past four years would be canceled.  Relieved even.  When I get on Hulu and look at my queue these days I feel oppressed by the accumulation.  The one show I don't want to be canceled I feel quite sure will be: Haven.  Hulu and Syfy have recently put the show on a 30 day schedule, which means that new episodes won't be made available for streaming until 30 days after they have aired.  The only television show I've watched on the air in a long while is Lost, so you'll understand why this might be difficult for me.  At least the end is in sight.  Soon I will be completely free of broadcast tv as other things in our lives become so much more important.  Can't I give it up easily?  No, as a matter of fact, I can't.  But perhaps I will get to go another three or more years without watching any tv, before the deathly cycle starts all over again.  Then movies will be the thing once more.  There's nothing to be done except to wait and see.

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