Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Boys

It isn't quite true that ALL he does is sleep, but almost.
But look at that hair on Parker. He will get a haircut sometime soon, I promise.
Adjusting to the new baby? How can I tell? He's two--which is a whole other matter. Yesterday morning Parker said to me, "Take that baby off," while I was feeding Isaac. Tonight, though I didn't get a picture, he dozed off while playing a crashing cars game on Michael's computer. We said, "Are you tired?" and Parker barely summoned up the strength to shake his head no.
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Tina said...


Unknown said...

Great pictures! This is the first time that I have looked at your blog in a while. I thought you had abandoned it, but I can see I have missed alot. Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

I love these boys!!!