These first two photos are of Parker--the first one taken in the hospital, the second shortly after we brought him home for the first time. I don't have digital copies of any of the pictures taken right after he was born, though I do have prints in a photo box at home. Parker was born before we ever thought about putting a SD card in our digital camera, so for the first little bit we had to rely on pictures taken by others.

These other two are all Isaac. I still don't know how to get blogger to post more than four photos at a time.
At first we didn't think that Isaac resembled Parker at all, and still the similarity isn't exactly striking, but as I compare these pictures I can see that there really isn't that huge a difference in looks. Isaac, born only two weeks early, is much smaller than Parker ever was, a difference that will probably minimize all to rapidly. In the meantime, Isaac gets to wear baby clothes that Parker outgrew before I ever had the chance to put them on him.
I'm starting to see mannerisms between the two boys that are similar--the way they raise their chins when they are sleeping and not interested in eating anymore. Maybe these are simply mannerisms that are common to all newborns, but in this respect they remind me of one another.
My mom was right, Parker does seem very big next to Isaac.
I keep trying to get Parker to let me take a picture of him in the hat my mother gave him for Christmas, but he won't do it. He wore it once, but the camara was not in reach and I missed my chance. Someday maybe I'll actually get a photo of the two of them (Parker and Isaac) together, but for now Parker isn't all that interested, and maybe for the next month or so that will be for the best. He does sometimes express concern for Isaac when he cries. "What's wrong, Isaac?" he asks.
He's such a cutie.
I hadn't looked looked at any of Parker's baby photos in a long time before reading this post. Looking at the second picture, I was surprised to see recognizable features in infant Parker that are also quite apparent in toddler Parker.
I look forward to seeing if that is also true with Isaac.
Note: I don't know anything about babies, so this probably not surprising at all to the actual mothers who read this blog.
So I'm going to have to say that you need to rename your blog and update the tag line, because it's now "While my sons do other things..."
I need to come over! I miss those kids so much!
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