Thursday, January 29, 2009

Isaac is certainly growing.
He had a decided growth spurt this past weekend. On Thursday the tabs on his newborn diapers could be made to meet in the middle. On Sunday morning the could be stretched to no less than a half to 3/4 of an inch apart. Sometime in the early hours of Sunday morning I looked down at him and noticed that his head seemed to have gotten much bigger, and he was heavier in my arms. So we took him to the pediatrician's office yesterday to have him weighed. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 11 oz.

Parker seemed to have grown a lot just while I was in the hospital with Isaac. He seems to be much heavier than he was when I was still pregnant. It was suggested that perhaps I had not been lifting him as much near the end of my pregnancy, but I know that's not true. How else could I get him into his car seat, or change his diaper, or make him come inside when he was resisting? We'll have to give him a weigh next time we visit my parent's house.

Yesterday morning Isaac fell asleep in his little portable swing. An hour or so later he started making noses as he started to wake up. Parker ran into the dining room, where the swing was situated at the time, and I heard him say, "Just a minute Isaac; I'll pick you up." I told Parker that it was nice, his wanting to take care of Isaac, but that he shouldn't ever try to pick him up. I asked him if he wanted to hold the baby, and he said yes. He went over and sat on the couch when I asked him to, but when the time came, he didn't really want to hold the baby.

I'm glad he starting to take a little more of an interest.
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Tina said...

What a cutie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aw! Isaac is huge! And so is Parker! I love them! Parker will be playing around with Isaac as soon at Isaac can keep up!