Wednesday, December 5, 2007

More Thoughts on Process Writing

I'm struggling with Parker and every electronic device in my life today, so even though I've been thinking A LOT this morning, I'm not going to even try to get any of it down here today.

I will say this: When I called my post on the uses of wealth and vocation "An Undisciplined Question" a couple of weeks ago, I was referring to the fact that I hadn't given the matter much forethought before putting it down on the page. I wasn't prepared to write an essay, only to note what I had been thinking that morning. You'll notice that I do that a lot, and the only reason this bothers me is because I am very serious about writing. I want to do it properly. I want to write things that are organized, properly annotated, and researched. At the same time, a professor of mine from graduate school told me that in order to become a good writer I had to do it everyday, for at least a small, set amount of time just to get my ideas out there and to develop the habit of writing. In real writing you go back and fix things, making them more accurate and detailed, later, at least that is how it works the way that I do it. This may be comensurate with the Peter Elbow pedagogy of writing. Elizabeth could probably tell me that for certain.

Let's just say that I am not in that frame of mind that will allow me to express in writing what I want to express in writing. There is too much going on.


Jim said...

So, would this be un-meta-writing? Writing about not writing? ;-)

Jamey said...

I sometimes feel sad that the pace of life is so fast for me right now that there's not enough time to absorb it, to consider it, to discuss it, to learn from it. That's one reason that I like this group of blogs I read and respond to--it gives us a chance to reflect--in community.

Jim said...

By George, I think she's got it!