Saturday, December 15, 2007

Early Christmas Presents

We got our Christmas present from my parents today. It is a 50s television cabinet that we found at Circlewood Thriftstore. We got it to elevate our television just out of Parker's reach and to hide the other ancillary machines (DVD player, stereo) with buttons that Parker loves to press. Unfortunately our CD player was damaged just a few days ago.

I almost got the picture I wanted from yesterday, the one in which Parker ran to us with such glee. The one I really wanted turned out to be blurry. This photo (above) almost communicates that feeling, but isn't the one I had hoped for.


Tina said...

Beautiful cabinet!!!

Jamey said...

It looks to me like P. is saying, "Shucks. What's a boy to do?" upon realizing that his favorite gizmos are now out of reach--good-natured resignation.

Limewater said...


It looks like Parker has ghost fingers on his left hand! Spooky!

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the worry wart, but have you secured the tv so that he can't pull it over?

John Kelley

kf.ruhamah said...

Good thought, John. Parker has pulled end tables over on himself before and it wasn't a happy moment for either of his parents. What do you suggest?

Jamey said...

Man, good catch, John! Kelly, this is really important, especially since you have a boy. Not just to secure the TV to the wall, but also bookshelves and dressors, which look a lot like ladders to little guys. You can buy a "tether" that sticks or attaches to the TV, and then has a strap that you screw into the wall into a stud. Craig's done it for all our bookshelves, or screwed them right into the wall, but I think the tethers usually came with whatever we bought. I'd think Walmart/Target might have something like that, or I'd think you can get something online easily and cheaply.

kf.ruhamah said...

Boys. But how does screwing a piece of furniture directly into the wall work when you have baseboards and quarter round? My bookshelf isn't flush against the wall even though it's pushed back as far as it will go.

Jamey said...

If the bookshelf is real wood and sturdy, you can put a long screw through it into a stud in the wall, maybe putting a piece of wood in the gap. Craig is the one who does this around our house, so y'all can call him about it if you want. The cheap wall unit that we bought from Walmart had a strap to tether it to the wall to account for the flooring jutting out. You could rock the thing if you tried really hard, but not pull it over.