Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Books piling up on my desk, and a house beginning to smell of yellow lab.

I expected to have plenty of time for writing, and to be fair I must realize that distraction during the holiday season is to be expected, but man, right now it is hard to get anything done. Hardest to get done is any quality writing, or any writing at all, for that matter. Other things keep crowding the writing out.

I surely am glad I didn't try to participate in NaNoWriMo this November. I've been reading Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird, among other things, and like Orson Scott Card, she makes the act of writing fiction seem possible. On the other hand, who has time to stare at a computer screen for an hour waiting for the words to come? At this time in my life I do not, but I have to remind myself that I have other priorities chosen for me by our amazing, sovereign God. 

This week I'm reading books about marriage (Love Busters by Willard Harley, Jr., The Language of Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs), I'm trying to type up a recommended resources list for my Sunday School Teacher (who is also my brother-in-law), and I'm trying to handle the vast array of detritus that accumulates the day you not only move you're formerly outside-dog into the house, but also erect the Christmas tree and pull out every decoration you can find. On top of that I picked out an intense book for my spiritual reading (Desiring God by John Piper). I've done this to myself. You know that metaphor people like to use that describes drowning? I just had a vivid mental image of myself holding my nose under water and trying not to breathe. I can almost imagine the burning sensation about the nostrils, based on memories from the swimming pool where we spent so many days during my childhood summers. But there isn't an item on my list that I haven't chosen. Well, at least there isn't a book or administrative task on my list I haven't chosen.

You can always see my book list, what I'm reading, in the right hand column of my blog. This list changes often because I've obviously prioritize reading as a constant in the midst of whatever else is going on.

I am a studier. It's clear. I may not pursue degrees, but I will always pursue study. This article, I find, has helped me reconcile myself, or at least helped me to see the course I should pursue in terms of school.  Yesterday I was at the church surrounded by books and Tim (my associate pastor and worship director), passing by, asked me if I was studying Systematic Theology. Well, I would never dream of going to seminary, but thanks to many influences, including the aforementioned article, I know now I can study these things that interest me to my hearts content. Though classes are great (and I really, really like taking them), they are not absolutely necessary.

So there you have it.

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