My mother-in-law gave me something called a Potato Baken Bag for Christmas. It's just the coolest cooking implement I own. All it is is a fabric bag with one of those pocket closures just like on the old cheap sandwich bags. You wash your potato, wrap it up in a paper towel, and close it in the bag. You can then bake the potato in the microwave oven in approximately 4 minutes, and when it is done you can cut the potato with a fork. You don't even have to stab the potato with a fork before cooking.
Last night I used the bag to cook a large sweet potato. Since it was so large I went ahead and put it in for 8 minutes. When it was done I mashed it up with my potato masher, sprinkled it with salt, and then poured waffle syrup on it. It was really good.
I don't know how you feel about microwaves, but the thing I like about this preparation method is that you don't lose the nutrients you would otherwise lose by boiling, for mashed potatoes. And, it is so fast and easy that I can throw potatoes in with a meal at the very last minute if I find I need to. I don't know what the fiber contact of the bag is, or if there is anything special about the fabric.
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