As many of you may already know, Don and Lori Chaffer a/k/a Waterdeep are my favorite musicians of all time. Don enjoys doing silly things with his music sometimes, which I appreciate though my musically advanced husband doesn't, but mostly I love Don and Lori for their lyrics: Always thoughtful, often profound, willing to use strong language (by which I don't mean profanity) to make their point. Their worship stuff is really cool too.
Anyway, I got an email from them today advertising Derek Webb's new music trading website I don't know anything about Derek Webb, so I don't know whether I would enjoy his music or not, but Don and Lori have two albums listed, "Heart Attack Time Machine" and "The Khrusty Brothers." I already have a hard copy of the first, and hope to get Khrusty Brothers eventually.
I'm curious to find out what you guys think of this concept. I'm unwilling to enter my friends email addresses without their permission, even though I am guaranteed by the website that these won't be stockpiled, but I'm not sure how much I should pay to download an entire album either.