Sunday, June 22, 2008

I haven't posted any pictures recently because I've barely even taken a picture of my child since that day over a month ago when I said I had some good ones of him playing in the sprinklers, and then discovered that those pictures weren't so good after all. It will all probably swing around again, but I'm reminded of two similar statements from interestingly different sources.

Norman Mailer (who periodically impresses me with his brilliance, while at other times disgusting me with with his crassness) and Flannery O' Connor write strikingly similar things about writing. They both say to sit down to write at the same time every day for a set amount of time and refuse to fill that time with any other activity, including reading. Inspiration comes unexpectedly, and only if you've proven that you'll be there when it comes.

See you next month (maybe).

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Even though I don't expect it to be very good, I really want to see the new Get Smart movie opening next week. What are the chances I'll actually decide to go?

The Need for Sleep

I am much to old to stay out until midnight anymore. Despite my best intentions the following day was totally wiped out by tiredness--though we did get to attend a friend's five year birthday party. Parker was so cute, energized by those around him, running around the house, bouncing and spinning a hula hoop.

Lots of fun last night (out with friends on my own), lots of fun tonight (Michael and Parker and me), but wow, I am just too old. What if I were still in undergraduate school having to stay up all night three nights in a row to finish a mondo Interior Design project? How would I ever do it ten years later? And yet the four hours a night I'll hopefully get once the new baby comes is something to look forward, something I know God will have to get us through.
